Benefits & Services

Research paper publication.

IJSEA publishes journal articles online as ready every Tuesday through Saturday.

Global visibility

IJSEA journal articles are available in more than 148 countries.

Crossref Membership

IJSEA is a member of prestigious Crossref-The citation Linking Backbone.

DOI Allotment

Every article published in IJSEA is assigned an unique DOI.

Global Recognition

IJSEA is is recognised globally and contains articles published from differnt parts of the world.

Papers in Press

Journal articles are available to subscribers within days of acceptance. These articles are citable and have a doi for future linking.

Indexing services

Journals are abstracted and indexed by various research database.

Open Access

IJSEA Open Access option provides the opportunity for unlimited access to an article for all readers from the moment of publication, permission to deposit the PDF version in institutional repositories so long as the repository accepts IJSEA copyright permissions, and continued copyright protection to prevent unauthorized uses of the author's work.